Ladies Alert
*Ladies.. HPV & Cervical cancer can be prevent! Just one injection n 94% u are safe! I've done it and now is your turn!
Cervical cancer is cancer of the lower part of womb, and is the seventh most common cancer among Singaporean women.
The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the main cause cancer. About 70% of case worldwide are caused by HPV sub-types 16 and 18.
However, cervical cancer is preventable n can be treated when detected early.
The HPV vaccination is recommended for girls and women aged 9 to 26. The vaccine is most effective when recieved before the first sexsual exprerience.
Women above 26years old or who are sexually active may still benefit from the vaccine and should talk to their doctor about getting vaccinated.
Are you at risk of cervical cancer?
Have u have sex before?
Did you start having sex at an early age?
Have you ever has sexual relations with more than 1 partner?
Do you have or ever have STI
Do you smoke?
Have you had your pap smear in the last 3 year?
(if you have any of the above, you are at higher risk of cervical cancer.)
Medisave can be used to pay for the Vaccination. You can use up to $300 a year from each Medisave account to pay for your daughter's vaccination if she is between 9 and 26. women can also use their own Medisave or that of their immediate family members. Those who insufficient Medisave balances can seek financial help at the polyclinics.